Send Group Message

mNotify Support

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

1. First locate “Send Messages” on the side menu section but please make sure you have already created the group.

2. On the page that appears, click on the “Send Message” button(If you have saved templates, it will be located at the bottom right corner of your screen)

3. In the pop up box that appears, select “Send to group” from the options.

4. On the next pop up box, select the group(s) you intend to send the messages to.

5. Complete all the asterix(*) textboxes on the next pop up box i.e. Choose Sender ID from dropdown, set Campaign Title and set content of message in the Content textarea.

6. Now click on the “Send” button when you are done.

7. A confirmation box as shown below will appear for you to confirm; Message Title, Credits to be used, Number of Characters and Number of Recipients.

Then hit the “Send Message” button to send your message.

That‟s it, you have successfully sent a Group Message.

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